What is Kidney Failure? Is it treatable?

by admin-blog-kh | October 27, 2016 9:18 am

Kidney failure is a medical condition that is not limited to any specific age group or gender. There are various reasons for kidney failure, and thanks to advances in medicine, treatment is available for all variations of the problem. Kidney failure, for which the medical term is End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is the final kidney disease stage. It means that your kidneys have stopped working and will need dialysis or a kidney transplant[1] to survive.

The Causes

In most cases, kidney failure results from other health problems that have affected the functioning of the kidneys. This is usually a slow process and takes place over an extended period. The common medical conditions that cause this slow progressive kidney failure include:

In some cases, kidney damage can occur suddenly. This is known as acute kidney injury, or acute renal failure, and the common reasons for this are:

Also Read: Know the Signs of Kidney Failure[4]

The Symptoms

 The signs of ESRD include:

The signs of acute kidney injury include:

Also Read: Tests to diagnose stomach problems[6]

The Treatment

Cases of acute kidney injury can often be successfully treated by medication and changes to diet and lifestyle. After diagnosing the condition to be acute kidney injury, a doctor will recommend the medicines and dietary and lifestyle changes that the patient will have to follow. If medication is not successful or if the condition is diagnosed as ESRD, then the only options are dialysis[7] for the rest of your life or a kidney transplant. Many people live long and active lives while on dialysis.

If dialysis is not a viable option, then a kidney transplant[8] is the only choice. A kidney transplant is exactly what the term says – a diseased or non-functioning kidney is removed from the body and replaced with a healthy one. The healthy kidney, or the donor organ, can come from various sources. It could be from a family member, a friend, an organ donor, or a deceased person who has indicated that their organs should be given to others. Whatever the source, blood, and tissue tests are required to ensure that the donor organ is a suitable replacement and that the body will not reject it.

Once a donor’s kidney is located and other health conditions are met, the surgery can be scheduled. If the existing kidneys are not infected or causing pain, the surgeon may decide to allow them to remain in place along with the new kidneys. In other cases, the old kidneys may be removed.

Recovery From Surgery

Recovery from kidney transplant surgery[9] is relatively straightforward. You should be able to start walking in a day or two and usually leave the hospital within a week. A period of 2 months of rest and recovery is the norm. The hospital will provide you with details of what you should and should not do, your diet, the medications you will have to take, and the schedule for your follow up check-ups.

Originally published Oct 27, 2016, updated January 15, 2021


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  1. kidney transplant: https://www.kauveryhospital.com/blog/k-way-health/transplantation/the-pros-and-cons-of-renal-transplantation/
  2. Autoimmune diseases: https://kauveryhospital.com/blog/general-medicine-diabetology/what-are-autoimmune-diseases/
  3. Diabetes: https://www.kauveryhospital.com/Centers-of-Excellence-and-Specialties/Diabetology
  4. Know the Signs of Kidney Failure: https://kauveryhospital.com/blog/nephrology/know-the-signs-of-kidney-failure/
  5. Abdominal pain: https://www.kauveryhospital.com/blog/gastroenterology/abdominal-pain-symptoms-causes-and-treatments/
  6. Tests to diagnose stomach problems: https://www.kauveryhospital.com/blog/gastroenterology/tests-to-diagnose-stomach-problems/
  7. dialysis: https://www.kauveryhospital.com/blog/nephrology/dialysis-is-it-the-end-of-life/
  8. kidney transplant: https://www.kauveryhospital.com/blog/nephrology/the-pros-and-cons-of-renal-transplantation/
  9. kidney transplant surgery: https://www.kauveryhospital.com/doctors/chennai/urology/dr-anu-ramesh

Source URL: https://www.kauveryhospital.com/blog/nephrology/what-is-kidney-failure-is-it-treatable/