HAMSA is the first rehabilitation centre in Chennai exclusively for Spinal cord Injury, Brain Injury, Stroke and other neurological disorders. Located at the heart of the city, it has a medical team of specialists and therapists who use evidence-based medicine and research methods to provide patient care.
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Why Hamsa

State of art facilities
Advanced Infrastructure coupled with Avant-Garde Technology at Hamsa ensures the best care.

Our expert team of professionals take a result-oriented approach to ensure faster recovery with excellent quality of life.

National and International Collaborations
Our panel of noteworthy national and international collaborations raise the bar when it comes to offering 360-degree healing and care.

Specialised Medical Experts
Specialised Medical Experts in the field of psychiatry, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and so on take charge of the entire healing process.

Multi-Therapy Approach
Hamsa offers a myriad of therapies for both, inpatients and outpatients alike to fasten the recovery process and each of these therapies help you get back to normal.
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech and Swallowing Therapy
- Wheelchair Training
- Community-Based Rehabilitation
- Gait Training
- Vocational Training
- Pain Management
- Spasticity Management