Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India


Dear colleagues.

How is the “KAUVERIAN” different? Asked a very dear colleague of mine last week! She was asked by her colleagues, so she asked me!

So, I asked the “KAUVERIAN” – “How are you different?”

The KAUVERAIN spoke, with a robot’s electronic voice!

The KAUVERIAN closed its first year, with 2 volumes, with 12 issues in each volume, published with clockwork regularity every fortnight. The KAUVERIAN never missed a deadline; it beat the deadline each time!

The KAUVERIAN provided a ready – responsive platform for many Kauverians, across our seven units, for any health worker to publish their papers.

The KAUVERIAN published papers of all genre – case reports, case series, original studies on large numbers of patients, guest editorials, clinical audits, review articles, serialized books, book reviews, journal scans, patients’ stories, diagnostic images, lists of recommended reading, poetry and prose,

The KAUVERIAN published the MUCOR Quadrilogy – four major studies, simultaneously, from four Kauvery hospitals!

The KAUVERIAN published two adolescents and a child!

What do we have this time, while bringing the curtain down on 2021?

FOUR first time authors to the KAUVERIAN feature on this issue!

Dr. Anantharaman from Chennai writes about the dramatic difference that an Impella device made to the life of an adolescent with Covid myocarditis, cardiogenic shock and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.

Dr. Anu Joseph from Bengaluru writes on her spirited and vigorous campaign against PreEclampsia

Dr. Yogeshwaran from Trichy writes on yet another dramatic emergency – Ischemic stroke after Russel’s Viper snake bite.

Dr. K. Senthil Kumar, from Trichy, writes on CSF – Cutaneous fistula.

Dr. Sreenath from Bengaluru writes his second article on the World Prematurity Day Trilogy – on Nutritional needs of the preterm infant.

Dr. Vasanthi Vidyasagaran and Dr CMK Reddy share their eclectic experiences from their exciting and instructive world of clinical practice.

Dr. Subbaiah shares yet another gem from his fascinating collection of diagnostic images.

From my desk comes what my scanner picked up from the most elite medical journals during the fortnight that passed.

Vidya Vijay rounds up the year most appropriately, with her poem ‘Tick Talk ” which reminds us that time is passing – It can’t be paused, it can’t be tossed, as time that is lost, will always cost.

Farewell, 2021, the year of the Delta.

Do go gentle into the new year, OhMicron!

Kauvery Hospital