Continuous Patient Monitoring – Life Signs


Duty Medical Officer, Kauvery Hospital, Cantonment, Trichy

What is Life signs?

Life signs patch is fully disposable, multi parameter biosensor worn on the chest for collection of physiological data and remote monitor settings.


These patches can be used in settings where patients need close vitals signs monitoring, including cardiac rhythm.


These datas are collected in our hospital last 3 months from August to October. On this data analysis we found 33 critical alerts in last 3 months.

These datas (critical alerts) are differentiated under 5 columns,

  1. Descriptive statistics
  2. Age range
  3. Sex
  4. Time
  5. Month

1). Descriptive statistics

Totally we used this lifesigns patches for 31 patients.

  1. Number-Totally we found 33 critical alerts.
  2. Minimum age we used -21 years.
  3. Maximum age we used -90 years.
  4. Mean of this statistics is 64.64.
  5. Standard deviations are 20.720.

2. Age range

Age ranges are divided into 4 columns

  1. 20-40 age group – Totally 5 critical alerts are found in this age group (Hyperthermia -1, Tachycardia -4).
  2. 41-60 age group – 5 critical alerts are found in this age group (Hypertension-1, Tachycardia -4)
  3. 60-80 age group – 11 critical alerts are found in this age group (Hypertension -11).
  4. Above 80 age group – High alerts are noted in this aged group, totally 12 critical alerts are found in this group (Bradycardia-6, Hyperthermia-2, Hypertension-2, Tachycardia-2).

3. Sex

More critical alerts are noted in female patients than male patients.

  1. Male patients – 12 alerts (36%)
  2. Female patients – 21 alerts (64%)


Separated into 2 groups. Before 6’o clock After 6’o clock.

  1. Before 6’o clock (day time) – 10 critical alerts are monitored in this period (30%).
  2. After 6’o clock (night time) – This is hard time. So high level of critical alerts are found in this period. Totally 23 alerts monitored (70%).

5. Month

We collected this data last 3 months in our hospital from August to October.

  1. In August month – 5 critical alerts.
  2. In September month – 7 critical alerts.
  3. In October month – 21 critical alerts. High number of critical alerts are monitored in October month. Because now we used many lifesigns patches for our patients, who need close vitals monitoring.

For example, if patient who stepping down from ICU to ward (because they need close vitals monitoring).

Totally 33 critical alerts in these 3 months.

Out of 33 critical alerts,

  1. Bradycardia – 6
  2. Hypertension – 14
  3. Hyperthermia – 3
  4. Tachycardia – 10

Advantages of lifesigns patch:

  1. To avoid patients readmissions to ICU ward.
  2. Reduce the workload for nurses and doctors.

Disadvantage of lifesigns patch

  1. False alerts are found.This is only disadvantages in lifesigns.For example if probe was loosen or patch came out from body .
  2. The false alert details are given above in table.

Our Aim is reduce and avoid the patients readmissions to critical(ICU) ward.

Reduce the codeblues in ward side.