Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India


Dear colleagues!

We at the KAUVERIAN wish you a Merry Christmas!

The KAUVERIAN shall launches its new year edition with many crackling and sparkling reports from young minds.

We hope these young writers would mature into confident and consummate authors.

We wish that this initiation into medical writing would help them to build content and conviction, and lead them to create original, imaginative, inspiring and enriching scientific publications that shall advance knowledge and our ability to heal the injured and sick.

The lead article comes from Kiruba and Kavitha, conveying the voices of the youngest of Kauvery” s nurses whose baptism in nursing began with a total immersion in the cauldron of Covid.

Aslesha takes the torch from their hands, lights the flame with her editorial  and passes  it on to five of her intrepid young colleagues who pen five intriguing reports.

Silvera Samson Raj describes the Battle of two drugs.

Niveda tells you a tale about Resurrection of an old foe.

Nadhim Rizvi warns you about a Covert invader.

Mohammed Rashid expresses his concern about a fragile heart.

Sivaranjani relates the diabolic tale of a dangerous dissection.

Gayathri, mentored thoughtfully by Dr. Bhuvaneswari, relieves these five scribes from their exhausting but exhilarating adventures and conducts us into the wired world of Neurology to stun us with a report of the misfortune that visited a young man who was born without his major conduits to his brain- absent Internal Carotids.

We then go on, to step into the other wired world of electrocardiography.

Sai Soundarya brings Goldberger back to life, pointing to his eponymous sign in the context of acute myocardial infarction.

All science and no sensitivity make all of us Jack and Jill’s dull.

Two even younger and imaginative minds astound us with their imagery.

Stuti Vijayakumar, just 11yrs in age, daughter of Hema Vijayakumar, writes from Chennai a surreal story about the Power of Purple!

Kaanthal is back, to launch the new year with her Beads of nature’s rattle- that attract ” a damselfly’ s lively psyche!

We wish you all a safe and healthy new year- keep Omicron at least 6 meters away, always choose to be in large ventilated spaces without crowds, stay masked, let your hands be sanitized, be vaccinated and wait to be boosted whenever GoI makes up its mind about why, when and how!

Happy New Year!

The KAUVERIAN team shall look forward in the new year to publishing your work that is sure to scale greater heights in quality and significance and make the Kauvery flag of knowledge, skill and humanity fly at great heights, proud yet humble, but bright and dazzling!

Kauvery Hospital