Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India


The KAUVERIAN shall arrive on 01 Apr 22 with some exciting reading.

The guest editorial from Dr. Maniram, Pediatric Cardiologist, is a deeply emotive one, on ” Caring for nobody’s baby’, on the entity of ‘ Adult Congenital Heart Disease’.

This is a sequel to his earlier article in the KAUVERIAN on the need for a comprehensive pediatric cardiac facility in central Tamil Nadu.

“Caring for nobody’s baby” delivers a promise that Kauvery shall indeed care for our children with congenital heart disease who shall be growing into adolescence and adulthood. Dr. Maniram is following up with 23 young adults with repaired congenital heart disease.

Gethsial Kiruba files yet another sterling report on ‘Thalaivis!’.

In honor of International Womens’ Day, a grateful and appreciative Dindigul District HR Foundation awarded six Kauverians from Trichy as “Thalaivis”, in recognition of their outstanding service to the patients and families.

With this latest feather in her journalistic crown, the KAUVERIAN is delighted to elevate Gethsial Kiruba to the position of its First Special Correspondent!

The KAUVERIAN is proud and privileged to publish, as a leading article, an original study – “Prevalence of diabetes-related distress in patients with type 2 diabetes”, by Dr. P. Gowri, Consultant Diabetologist, Kauvery Speciality Hospital, Trichy.

In one single statement, Dr. Gowri tells that we can no more ignore the elephant in the room – “Diabetes distress (DD) is a hidden negative emotional condition that results from living with diabetes and the burden of relentless daily self-management”

She goes on to quote the MILES 2 study – ” Severe diabetes distress was reported in one in four people with type 1 diabetes, one in five people with insulin-treated type 2 diabetes, and one in ten people with non-insulin-treated type 2 diabetes”.

Need I say more?

Beyond labelling a person “Diabetic”, all that we dish out is advice that flies in the face of their anxiety, worry, denial, and disappointment at the predicament of living with Diabetes.

Two stunning case reports illustrate the eternal value of the extraordinary case report.

Dr. Navin Chander from Salem gives us a fascinating account of a needle that migrated from the chest wall and into the heart.

Equally dramatic is Dr. Ramasubramanians’ bronchoscopic retrieval of a gold screw from the right bronchus.

For the first time, the KAUVERIAN presents a comprehensive review, in video format, of Cardiorenal Syndrome, from Dr. Kabilan, Salem.

Letters to the Editor” takes a giant leap this time, by featuring responses from three of our colleagues, Dr. Karthikeyan from Salem, Dr. Soniya Tambe from Bengaluru, and Suryaprabha from Trichy, on three seminal papers recently published in major international journals.

This is an excellent platform for voicing their opinions on current and topical research.

Scoring a hat trick on publication of clinical research protocols from the Heartcity, Trichy, Drs. Aravind Kumar and Annup Balan publish the outline of their study on ‘PCI in the Octogenarian’, which shall be EMR based.

Dr. Pushkala, Consultant Pediatrician from Chennai, presents as the diagnostic image of the week a “Bifid Uvula”.

“Initiating Cardio Pulmonary Bypass under Spinal, for tracheostomy?!

Possible, says Dr. Vasanthi Vidyasagaran, in her next chapter of Learning from Experience.

Prof. CMK Reddy scans his radar over a number of fascinating issues that confront medical practitioners.

Ten articles that sweep across the world of International Medicine feature in “Recommended Reading”.

Journal Scan picks up ten gems for you!

Does Babesiosis sound strange? Does Buruli ulcer sound baffling? Remember Primary Hypertropic Osteoarthropathy presenting as Clubbing?! How do you discuss adverse prognoses with people with serious illnesses? You would find the answers there.

We published an adolescent poet Vidya Vijay some time back. We wondered when did the poet begin crafting poems. We requested Dr. Bhuvaneswari and she was kind enough to find a poem from the poet that she wrote ten years earlier, on “Colors!”

The KAUVERIAN hopes to surprise you every time, with such imaginative and creative writing.

Do read, and write for, the KAUVERIAN

Best regards

Kauvery Hospital