The recent advancement in medical science has led to the rise of various super and sub-specialties in all disciplines of medicine. “Jack of all trades; master of none” is not an option in the current era of healthcare as each sub-specialty needs extensive training and continuous upgradation to provide the best possible result to the patients. In orthopaedics, the key sub-specialties are arthroplasty (joint replacement surgery), arthroscopy (key-hole joint surgery), spine surgery, trauma (fracture management), paediatric orthopaedics (deformity correction and paediatric trauma) and hand surgery. The only, but common downside of these micro-specializations is the ambiguity in the patient’s mind in choosing the right specialist.

“Treating the disease” is not enough anymore, “treating the patient” is mandatory. Many people visiting the hospital have more than one health issue and need treatment by appropriate medical professionals, termed multimodal treatment. Also, a person visiting an orthopaedic doctor for acute onset myalgia may actually need a physician consultation for flu. Hence, a coherent multi-specialty team is the key to an individual’s judicious deliverance of healthcare. As important as the clinical acumen of doctors, advanced diagnostic equipment enables prompt and correct diagnosis of various medical conditions.
In KION – Kauvery Institute of Orthopaedics and Neuroscience, we provide comprehensive care which is evident if one visits the consultation suites, where orthopaedic surgeons of all sub-specialties, neurosurgeons, neurologists, rheumatologist, physicians, geriatric physician and radiologists are strategically placed in a way that provides easy access to all these doctors. This patient-centric approach eases the entire visit of the patients avoiding unnecessary waiting and roaming in the hospital.
Embracing the Technology
The technique of treating any orthopaedic condition has reached its pinnacle and the main focus now is to improve the safety and accuracy. Robotic navigation in knee and hip replacement surgery, robotic 3D microscope in spine microsurgery, intra-operative neuromonitoring in complex spine surgeries and endoscopic spine surgeries which were considered as special limited equipment, are a routine in KION as we strive to provide the best possible result to each and every patient.
Taking the Extra Step
Understanding the patient’s needs and fulfilling them is a complex task as it is multi-faceted involving emotional and psychological factors. The KION has a synchronous team of people including physician assistants, specialist nurses, patient relation officers and secretaries to facilitate each step from out-patient visits to reaching back home. Even after discharge, the care continues with follow-up calls from a nurse and need-based home visits by our physiotherapist to ensure full functional recovery.
India’s first-of-its-kind department was started to cater to the needs of elderly people for whom a simple fracture may become a devastating event because of their co-morbidities and polypharmacy. The primary involvement of a geriatrician in the care of this subset of patients greatly influences the overall outcome in a positive way and we have noticed a good reduction in the duration of post-operative intensive care unit (ICU) stay. Special care nurses are engaged in bedside care, providing wholesome care from personal hygiene to emotional support.
This comprehensive approach enables us to deliver expeditious care to our patients and “all under one roof!” access obviates the unnecessary burden of waiting and treatment delay on the patients.

Dr. P. Keerthivasan
Consultant Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon,
Kauvery Hospital Chennai