Watching anyone suffering and in danger of death is always terrible, but when the patient is a baby, the pain is even greater. This is the story of one baby, Kauvery Hospital saved.
When a child is hurt or diagnosed with a serious medical condition, the whole family is affected and their lives are turned upside down. Mr. A is a radiographer in a hospital and his wife Mrs. S is a housewife who stays home to care for their two month old infant NS. Their first child was stillborn which is why baby NS is even more precious to them. The child is the centre of their lives and all they do revolves around her. When the child was diagnosed with a congenital heart disease, the bright future they envisaged for their small family appeared to fade away. Being poor they did not have the means to have all the tests done to determine if the child could be saved.
They came to Kauvery Hospital in the hope that we could help. We contacted the “Have A Heart Foundation” and a number of philanthropists who are associated with us. Between them the funding for the child’s treatment was arranged. Investigations revealed that baby NS had a Ventricular Septal Defect – a hole in her heart that was putting her life in danger. Our medical team performed a delicate and complex operation to repair the defect and the hole in the heart was closed. Baby NS is now completely okay and can look forward to a normal happy life. For her parents, the future is once again bright with promise.
Baby NS was given the same care attention and standard of treatment that all our patients receive. That is what makes Kauvery Hospital a special place and why we are so proud to be part of it.

Article by Dr. Prasanth Shah, MS, DNB, CTVS
Consultant Pediatric Cardiac Surgeon
Kauvery Hospital, Chennai