குறளும் மருத்துவமும்

Tamil Nadu today ranks as the number 1 state in India when it comes to healthcare. Our wholesome health practices can be traced back to 1500 years as evidenced by Thiruvalluvar’s Thirukkural. The Thirukkural acknowledges the doctor, the patient, the treatment methodology and the patient’s helpers as key to treatment. In other words, for successful treatment there has to be a conducive health ecosystem.

Mother donates part of her Liver to save her Child ( Tamil )

liver transplant is a complex surgical procedure that replaces a liver that no longer functions appropriately (liver failure) with a healthy liver from a deceased donor or a portion of a healthy liver from a living donor.

A liver transplant is considered when a patient has reached the state of end-stage liver failure. Failure of the liver can happen suddenly, either due to an infection or due to particular medications or from a long-term medical problem.

Kauvery Hospital