Message from the Editor
My Dear K-Way Family Members,
Amidst the band beat of the IPL and the super heat of the Chennai summer, we at the Kauvery Group of Hospitals, had our grand, neat and successful launch of our quaternary care hospital at Vadapalani, Chennai, by the sensational Superstar Thiru Rajinikanth sir.
His words of appreciation really showed his gratitude towards our institution and the medical field.
The Kauvery Hospital at Vadapalani is a quaternary care facility providing healthcare with state-of-the-art infrastructure at affordable cost. The main vision of our Founders was to make the best healthcare available to our society. We wish them the very best on this milestone occasion.
Next, with April welcoming us with the scorching sunny summer, get cool with plenty of fluids. Make sure your body is hydrated to escape from the common urinary tract infections and so on.
Long hours will be spent in air-conditioned places in summer. AC vents need regular checking as they are the main source of atypical pneumonia. Kindly service your air-conditioner vents regularly.

When it comes to seizures, the main objective of the first aid given is to keep the patient from harm during the seizure. Seizures can result in an altered state of consciousness, or in unconsciousness, leaving the individual vulnerable to injury. Clinicians play a crucial role in making the patients, caregivers and the whole community aware about what to do when a person experiences a seizure. Any seizure type (not just convulsive seizures) can develop into status epilepticus, which is a seizure involving the whole body with loss of consciousness.
READ FULL ARTICLEKnee Osteoarthritis: Interventional Pain Management Techniques

Knee osteoarthritis is an age-related long-term progressive condition that is a burden on both the society and the healthcare system. As obesity and longevity increase, so does the prevalence of knee OA. Educating the patient, physical exercises and interventional and surgical techniques are key to managing it. Pain, muscle weakness, stiffness in the morning hours, lack of stability in the joint, crepitus and inability to perform some tasks are characteristic of the condition. The treatment strategies for knee OA are dependent upon the stage of illness. Early stage of disease is controlled by structured exercise program and minimal intervention pain management techniques. Joint replacement is the popular surgery in individuals with end-stage knee OA. However, those who are not willing for surgery or not fit for surgery or those who have persistent pain after surgery are managed effectively with interventional pain management techniques.
READ FULL ARTICLEThe First Golden Hour and the First Day – How We Take Care of a Baby

With the scientific standards set by the American & Indian Academy of Pediatrics, there are some mandatory protocols followed by every paediatrician to take care of a new born baby as it comes to the world.
Let’s see what we do routinely when a baby is born.
READ FULL ARTICLESwap Kidney Transplantation

Kidney transplantation offers a permanent solution to patients with irreversible kidney failure. Unlike any other surgery where a diseased organ is removed – for example appendix, uterus, etc., or a damaged joint is replaced by an artificial metallic joint, organ transplantation involves transplanting a live organ from a donor to a patient.
READ FULL ARTICLEஅதிநவீன எண்டாஸ்கோப்பி சிகிச்சை முறை

குடல் உள்நோக்கு கருவி அல்லது எண்டோஸ்கோபி பரிசோதனை என்பது உணவு குழாய் இரைப்பை மற்றும் மேல் சிறுகுடல் ஆகியவற்றை பரிசோதனை செய்து அதில் இருக்கும் பிரச்சனைக்கான தீர்வை மேற்கொள்ள வகை செய்யும்.
தற்போதுள்ள மேம்பட்ட கருவிகள் மிகவும் மெல்லியதாகவும், நெகிழ்வுத் தன்மை உடையதாகவும், நேர்த்தியாகவும் பரிசோதனை செய்து கொள்ள ஏதுவாக இருக்கும். தற்போதுள்ள கருவியின் தடிமன் நமது சுண்டுவிரல் அளவே இருக்கும் அதாவது 9.4 முதல் 9.8 எம் எம் வரை இருக்கும்.
READ FULL ARTICLEUnderstanding Axillary Accessory Breast Tissue

Did you know that some people can have extra breast tissue in places other than their chest? This condition, known as accessory breast tissue, is quite rare, affecting only about 0.4% to 6% of the population.
READ FULL ARTICLEInauguration of Kauvery Hospital Vadapalani

On March 20th, Actor Rajinikanth officially opened the newest quaternary facility of the Kauvery Group of Hospitals located on Arcot Road in Vadapalani. Additionally, nine centers of excellence were unveiled during the ceremony. This facility, boasting 250 beds, also includes a critical care unit (CCU) with 75 beds, a transplant intensive care unit (ICU) with 30 beds, and six state-of-the-art modular operation theaters.
WATCH FULL VIDEOPatient Experience

My dad was admitted here for the tumor removal robotic surgery. The hospital took good care of him. They provide a excellent care. Nirmal Raj from Kattima caterers helped us providing coffee, snacks, foods which we want to the room.
– S.B