Hello Readers,

We live in challenging times now. Who would have thought three months ago that the whole world will be brought to its knees by a virus. Corona virus pandemic has put enormous strain on healthcare systems in all countries and the long-term economic impact is going to be significant. The positive aspect is that this crisis has brought the focus of global leadership to healthcare.

Over the last 20 years, Kauvery hospitals have been at the forefront in delivering world-class healthcare during the calamities like tsunami in 2004, Dengue fever in 2013, Chennai floods in 2015 and Cyclone Vardha in 2016. Now in 2020, the Public Health Authorities in India are doing a commendable job of limiting the community spread of COVID infection and Kauvery’s healthcare professionals are continuing to deliver 24/7 Emergency Services across all specialities like Cardiology, Neurology, Stroke, Intensive Care, Orthopaedic and Trauma Services. The management has committed itself to stand shoulder to shoulder with all the frontline staff. I am absolutely confident that we all will emerge stronger from this crisis, as we have always done before. [Read More…]

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Coronavirus risk assessment screening using Artificial Intelligence.


Proper use of artificial intelligence during the corona pandemic. Kauvery hospital Chennai has an AI-based risk assessment tool that will assess the risk based on your history and symptoms. In these difficult times, panic creates chaos and makes it difficult to treat patients. Click the link below and identify your score. Don’t panic. Stay calm. You can reach us anytime.

Take a Coronavirus Web Screening Test Now!

Kauvery hospital believes in extending our health care services to the society with social distancing. You need not worry that you are unable to come or how to speak to your doctor.

We the doctors at Kauvery can reach you through this App mfine doctors. All you need to do is to call our CALL CENTRE 40006000 and fix your appointment with your concerned doctor.

Next follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Go to play store and search mfine app
Step2: Download and install the app
Step3: Enter your mobile number. After that you will receive an OTP, enter that OTP
Step 4: Enter your name, enter password and email id
Step 5: Enter preferred hospital code as KAU (it’s very important)
Step 6: Login into the app and use
It’s free consultation.

Don’t let social distancing isolate your health. Consult doctors online, without stepping outside. Kauvery connects you to top doctors via mfine.

Download mfine App from Google Play Store!

Download mfine App from Google Play Store!

The Unknown Enemy – Covid-19


The Earth we live in is no ordinary place. It has had and been having many historical glories and catastrophes. Wars, natural calamities, nature’s beauties are all the ingredients that make this planet what it is today. However, over billions of years, evolution has eradicated masses of species from this planet due to natural disaster or disease. Human survival is continuously threatened. The oldest forms of life on Earth were reported in the form of fossilized microorganisms discovered in Quebec, Canada, as early as 4.28 billion years ago, not long after the earth formed 4.4 billion years ago. Ever since, nothing has killed more humans than bacteria, viruses, or parasites, not even natural disasters or war.


This too shall pass


Tsunami came we suffered but moved on, Floods came we overcame it, Vardha came we did not let it blow us away, now Corona is here let us do our bit by staying home, being aware and considerate and staying positive that this too shall pass.

Practice the following while everyone is facing the crisis together:




Laryngitis is a common medical condition characterized by inflammation and swelling of the larynx (voice box). The majority of cases are caused by common viruses, infections, or overuse of your voice. Laryngitis is not considered a serious health concern.

Symptoms and Signs

Laryngitis may occur at the same time or a couple of days after you have had a sore throat. Once the infection has cleared up, laryngitis can persist for a few weeks afterward. At times, laryngitis can be an indication of severe laryngeal cancer.


Life of Doctors - Patients, Medicine and Beyond...


Dr Suresh Venkita, our Group Medical Director, a senior cardiologist and an avid writer, has yet again shared this lovely story from his desk, about the elderly parent who was home alone, and thought he was going to soon meet his maker!

Knock, knock, who is there?

It was getting late enough to be worried. I once again stepped into the balcony and looked down. Except for a drenched street dog that was lying down miserably near the gate, there was not a soul to be seen anywhere. Rain water had puddled under the lamp post. A breeze ruffled the mango tree in the courtyard and a few twigs fell down and broke. Thunder rumbled in the distance. Did I hear a soft knock at the door? I turned back….

I heard it again, distinctly this time. It was certainly a knuckle, knocking on wood. Polite, patient and pacific, butthe message was clear-no hurry, take your time, but it is time.


Poetry Corner


Unity is our strength at Kauvery

In this era of disparity,
We are here for unity,
Like the branches of a tree we grow in different directions,
Yet the roots keep us all together.

Kauvery is our roots,
A team is not a group of people who work together but who trust each other,
Unity is our strength at Kauvery where through teamwork and collaboration,
Wonderful things can be achieved.


7 Steps to Hand Hygiene - The Proper Hand Washing Technique


In times like this, it is extremely important to be aware of the appropriate hand washing technique.

Watch this video to understand the 7 steps of hand hygiene.

Let us wash our hands regularly and properly to keep COVID-19 away.

Watch Full Video

Patient Experience


“Very good hospital & excellent care taker on 6th floor – Mr. Rabbani. Very warm care taker, many thanks to whole team!”


Recipe of the Month

Radish Greens Stir Fry / Mullangi Keerai Poriyal

Radish with leaves / mooli ke patte / mullangi keerai are also edible along with the vegetable. As a matter of fact the leaves are highly nutritious. They are rich in vitamin C and a good source of calcium and protein.

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Kauvery Hospital