My Dear K-Way Readers,

dr kavitha

I look forward to get connected with my ardent Kway readers every month through this digital platform. I’m thankful to my institution and Almighty for this opportunity.

Whether one is capable or industrious depends on the individual. But to recognize one’s potential, or to encourage one to rise beyond one’s limitations we need a mentor who has the vision, a liberal hand, the wisdom and the determination to help us bring out the best in ourselves. A leader, a guru or a mentor is one who thinks good for everyone around.

Be it a family or a work place or a nation, to be led and inspired by a visionary leader is a great blessing. Every family has such leaders- they are our parents and grandparents. From the day of our conception, they think only about us andnothing but us. [Read More…]


External Breast Prosthesis


Breast cancer is now globally one of the commonest cancers seen among women. What is more alarming is the rise in its incidence among women in the younger age groups as well. For decades, until the early 2000s, the only surgical treatment for breast cancer was complete removal of the breast – what we call a mastectomy. This procedure can add to the anxiety and depression of one who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. It is traumatising for a lady to lose her breast as itcauses disfiguration, loss of one’s body image, lowers self-confidence and ultimately leads to a poor quality of life.


I Am Wearing My Mask Properly. Are You?


The COVID-19 pandemic is continuing to wreak havoc throughout the world. More than 230 million people in the world and more than 33 million people in India have been infected since the onset ofthe pandemic. Modes of transmission of the virus include droplet transmission, aerosol transmission and direct or indirect contact with an infected individual. In order to protect ourselves from COVID-19 and to mitigate the spread of the deadly virus in the society, WHO has advised various measures like social distancing, usage of masks, hand hygiene and vaccination.


Health check-up at Kauvery saves my heart - A Patient's Story


My name is R.Venkataraman, a voluntarily retired official from Punjab National Bank, Chennai in the year 2000. I am running 73 years chronologically since 30th August 2021.

I used to have my routine master health check-up as a senior citizen along with my spouse in Kauvery Hospital, Chennai-18, in the past. After 2014, owing to my varying commitments and family circumstances, followed by the then prevailing COVID-19 pandemic, I had to unduly postpone my master health check-up to January 2021.


Life of Doctors - Patients, Medicine and Beyond...


Dr Suresh Venkita, our Group Medical Director, a senior cardiologist and an avid writer, has yet again shared this lovely story from his desk.


‘’Can I come in Professor?’’

I looked up from my desk at my office at the Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, where I was a professor of psychology, specialized in migration. A young Asian student was standing at the door, possibly second generation North Korean-American. His parents must have gone through hell during their passage from that country to the US.


Ping for Care - Neurology Service During the Time of Pandemic


COVID-19 pandemic was one of the deadliest pandemics faced by mankind. It completely took the world by storm and posed a huge challenge to the healthcare systems all around the world.

The pandemic has caused a huge shake up of the economy of so many countries. The manufacturing sector and travel and tourism industries took a big blow and are still reeling under the lasting impact of this pandemic.


Secrets to Live Long


Life expectancy is on the rise in India, so is the proportion of older adults. In 2035, it will be about 20% of the whole population and is estimated to be 50% by 2050. Healthy aging means also inheriting the right genes. But we can’t choose our family, so how do we turn the odds in our favor. How do we know the signs of normal aging and how to adapt?

As we age, there is a hormonal imbalance that leads to fat accumulation in the tummies and the metabolic rate slows down. It is normal to gain weight despite eating less, especially inwomen of post-menopausal age.


Fecal Immuno Test


The presence of minute traces of blood in stool can be found out with the help of the fecal occult blood test (FOBT). There are a number of reasons for blood in stool. They include the following.


Telemedicine: A lifeline in a time of crisis and beyond!


Wave 1: Many new factors to consider, right from the disease in question itself, the extent of damage it can cause, how to triage cases, allocate care and manage the piling number of cases all while ensuring the judicious usage of the available resources.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that frontline workers at ground zero were akin to the brave soldiers battling it out at any warzone in history.


Do Not Fail Your Heart: An Awareness Initiative


This health information in Q&A format is intended for the healthy population and for the patients with heart diseases as well, to bring awareness and aid better understanding of the heart failure disease. It will not replace or substitute a clinical consultation by the patient.


Poetry Corner


This lovely poem is dedicated to are ardent readers on the occasion of International Day of the Elderly. The moon which lights the darkness of the sky and gives a pleasant feeling is compared to the elders whose presence brightens up and brings pleasure to our homes.

Happy International Day of the Elderly

The sky so vast with muted hues
Is a perfect foil for the serene moon
Placed in centre, she’s surrounded
by ripples of endless clouds.

She wears a reddish halo
that highlights her golden glow!
Radiant, glowing, shining bright!
Awe-inspiring wondrous sight.


Kauvery's 360° Cardiac Care


Your Heart is Special.
So is our care for you.

With an expert team of doctors and state-of-the-art infrastructure, we strive to offer you holistic heart care. Every day. Every hour.


Patient Experience


“My father was admitted here in this hospital during the 2nd wave now my mother is admitted to the same hospital during the onset of the third wave. This hospital is maintaining all sorts of standards and protocol issued by the governance and ensuring the safety of its patients during the treatment period. Unlike other hospitals they won’t rely on caution deposit concepts for Covid treatment rather more concentrated on the well being of its patients. Kauvery is undoubtedly the best when it comes to Covid care and is 100% reliable hospital for treatment without a hole in your pocket. It’s the Best in city..!!”
– T.T


Recipe of the Month

Mason Jar Salad

Mason jar salads are an extremely easy and quick make at home lunch. They are especially great as they keep your ingredients fresh and crisp longer by separating the ingredients into layers.

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Kauvery Hospital