July 2022 KWay Newsletter
Our dear, passionate, KWay Readers,
We are really happy to be connected with each one of you every month.
The 1st of July is a very special day for us as this day is celebrated as National Doctors’ Day, in the fond remembrance of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy.
He was many eminent personalities rolled into one- an astute physician who was a member of the Royal College of Physicians and Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. He was also the former Chief Minister of West Bengal and was honoured with the highest civilian award, Bharat Ratna!
Medical professionals have the empathy, the vision and the ability to improve the health care of the society.
Doctors strive hard to keep themselves updated with recent advances in Medicine to make sure that they are well – informed to plan the treatment for their patients.
The relationship is built on the grounds of trust, faith and mutual respect. The best interests of the patient are always in the hearts and minds of the doctors.
This relationship is as deep as that of the mother and child, and as strong as that of the father and child, relationship.
At Kauvery Hospitals, our doctors practice evidence-based medicine with great empathy and teamwork, looking at what is best for the betterment of the patient.
Our vision is to offer excellent health care at an affordable cost to all; we are now well established to serve you in Tamil Nadu and Bengaluru.
Our online apps help the unreachable also to get connected during the times of their illness.
We doctors thank our hospital leadership and our patients who have kept our spirits high and our minds focussed on service to the patient and family.
On this special day, I request all our ardent readers to bless our doctors with good health and happiness to enable them to continue our sincere, dedicated and highly competent service to our society.
On behalf of Kauvery Hospitals we wish all the Doctors, a very Happy National Doctors’ Day!
Thank you.
Have a great month ahead.
We’d love to know what you think about our monthly newsletter. Feel free to connect with us through [email protected].

Dr. Kavitha Sundaravadanam
Senior Family Physician
Highlights @ Kauvery
Cancer Survivor Meet

A Cancer Survivor Meet was organised by the Department of Oncology by Dr. A. N. Vaidhyswaran, Director, Radiation Oncology, on World Cancer Survivor Day. Among the panelists were Dr. Sujatha Velmurugan, Senior Psychiatrist and Ms Yamini Prakash, Chief Dietician, who spoke about the importance of mental well-being and importance of healthy diet during and after the treatment of cancer. A few cancer survivors shared their stories of struggle, pain and joy during this event.

Innovations – People
Adios June, Hola July!
Looks like there is still plenty of summer to go around. It’s going to be another great month. Here’s a recap of all the activities that happened in the month of July. It was a really wonderful month for us
Our goal was to elevate them to a certain degree of finesse where they are taught to be gracious, elegant in their actions/behavior, and detail-oriented so they stand apart. This initiative will help them upgrade and refine their skills, thereby improving their quality of work and their rate of employability.
52 women participants completed the 4 hours certification program. For most of them, this is perhaps the first certificate they have in their name besides their ration card! Just think about that for a second. This was a BIIIIIIG DEAL…! and we wanted them to know how proud we are of them. Not only ‘know’, we also wanted them to ‘feel’ super proud of themselves. Therefore, we needed to celebrate this in a big way. That’s how we organized the “Class of 2022 certification ceremony”. But you know what the icing on the cake is? The entire certification ceremony was planned, executed, and delivered beautifully by the housekeeping and security ladies. We’re talking about the Emcee, welcome speech, closing remarks…ALL OF IT was delivered by them. What a proud moment! Here are a few pictures from the ceremony.

Maid in Heaven Graduation
When we think of health care heroes, very few people come into our minds. Our first thoughts are that of nurses and doctors at the front lines, but there are other departments in the hospital that works in the background and rarely get the recognition they deserve.
Do you ever wonder how a hospital is kept clean even though hundreds of people, including patients, staff, and visitors, walk the halls of a hospital each day? How about those ensuring the security and safety of the hospital as well as regulation of traffic? There is a whole team behind this. The Housekeeping and the security department.
In an effort to provide them with the right skills and guidance, Kauvery Hospital Chennai, a unit of Kauvery Group of Hospitals, a leading multispecialty healthcare chain in Tamil Nadu, in association with IMPA (Image Management Professionals’ Association), Chennai chapter conducted a training program for the upskilling and empowerment of women Staffs from the housekeeping and security department.
Maid in Heaven Certification Day
Maid in Heaven training reaches Trichy!
Full day orientation workshop for our enthusiastic Paramedical students.
Carreer Heist – Introduction to the World of Healthcare for Children of Employees.
Dr. Rashika – Wolrd of Doctors. Cracking NEET.
Ms. Stella – Nursing: Need of the hour.

Say Hello to our new Kauverians!