Balloon Mitral Valvotomy


Nursing Incharge, Kauvery Hospital, Tirunelveli


Balloon valvuloplasty is a cardiac intervention to open up a stenotic or stiffed heart valves (e.g., aortic or mitral) using a catheter with a balloon on the tip. It is also known as balloon valvotomy.


A 40yrs aged female patient complained of breathlessness for 1 month. No chest pain and palpitation. Patient initially evacuated at OPD basis.

Then patient was admitted for further evaluation and management.

Known case of S/P PTMC (2013)

Not a known case of SHTN/DM/CVA/PTB/BA


Patient conscious, oriented.

HR – 46/min, BP – 100/600mmHg, Temp – 98.6

RR – 18, SPO2 – 90%

CVS – S1, S2 present, RS – Bilateral air entry is present (Decreased air entry in right)

P/A – Soft, CNS – NFND


Platelet 281000
RBC count4.37
Total WBC count7520
RBS89 mg/dL
HBsAgweakly reactive




Course in the Hospital

A 40-years aged female was admitted in our hospital with complaints of breathlessness. At rest, no complaints of Fever, cough with expectoration, chest pain seen. On evaluation, patient conscious, oriented, vitals stable. Routine baseline investigation done, reports enclosed. Echo screening test done reported severe mitral valve stenosis. Hence planned for PTMC Procedure. On 21/05/24, under ASP, after informed con, through right femoral approach, balloon mitral valvotomy procedure done. Patient was started on Beta – blockers, diuretics, probiotics and other supportive medications. Patient general condition improved, vitals clinically stable.


Inj. Cetil1.5 gmST
Inj. Rantac50mgST
Inj. Emeset4mgST
Tab. Cetil500mgBD
Tab. Pentids 400mgBD
Tab. Concor5mgOD
Tab. GlyziferNMOD
Tab. VibactBD
Tab. LasilactoneOD

Nursing management

Frequent monitoring of vital signs is an essential part of management as they offer the first sign of a worsening systemic condition. Monitoring (both initially at baseline and subsequently at periodic intervals) includes parameters such as pulse rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, fluid intake and urine output chart, blood glucose. Completing all necessary documentation including patient notes and discharge.


Drink plenty of water helps to to flush the contrast dye from ther system. Patients can usually resume normal diet immediately after the procedure. .

Home Advice

Follow up appointment

The patient and family are reminded of the importance of following recommendation and keeping up with follow-up appointments with the health care providers for monitoring of risk factors.

  • Chest pain or pressure
  • Decreased urination
  • Fever or chills
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Pain, redness or heat at the catheter insertion site
  • Swelling in your legs or abdomen

Outcome of the patient

General condition is good, vitals stable, hence discharged with following medical advice.


Ms. Shanthi
Nursing Incharge