
Neurological Science is the study of the diseases and disorders of the brain, special senses (vision, hearing and balance, smell and taste), the spinal cord, peripheral nerves and muscles. It also involves the autonomic nervous system that controls the bowel movement and the urinary bladder.

Brain and spine form the central nervous system and the nerves make up the peripheral nervous system.

Neurological diseases and disorders impair the functions of the organ systems. At Kauvery Hospital, our expert and experienced consultants and their teams standby round the clock, ready to help you with your neurological concerns.

The Neuroscience department at Kauvery Hospital consists of Neurophysicians, Neurosurgeons, Neuro-radiologists, Neuro-intensivists, Neuro-physiologists and Neuro-psychiatrists, supported by other dedicated professionals from nursing services, speech therapy, nutrition, physiotherapy and related rehabilitation services.

This multi-disciplinary team works together and offers the entire spectrum of neurological care round the clock.

The Center specializes in

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