Dr. S. Kandasamy

M.B.B.S., M.D., D.M.
Trichy - Cantonment
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Dr Kandasamy
Super Specialty: D.M (Nephrology) Madras Medical college
Scholastic Performance
  • Member – Indian Society of Nephrology
  • Member – International Society of Nephrology
Specialty Experience: 15 yrs of experience in dealing with patients with Kidney ailments
Kauvery Experience: 14 yrs experience in dealing with Nephrology cases and critical care Nephrology
Normal Procedures
  • Dialysis access
  • CAPD Catheterization
  • Renal transplant
Special Procedures
  • Renal transplant – 15
  • Access placenta – 3000
Strengths: Specialist in dealing with critically ill patients
Field of Interest: Critical care Nephrology
Clinical Achievements: 15 yrs teaching experience in general medicine and Nephrology
Personal Interests
  • Trucking
  • Cycling
Social Activities:
  • Conducting free renal camp
  • Public awareness
Professional Body Membership
  • ISN
  • Indian Society of Nephrology
  • Indian society of Nephrology – southern chapter
  • Association of physicians of India

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