1. How do I know I have hearing loss?
– Get an ENT examination to assess for hearing loss
– Do a hearing evaluation test (pure tone audiometry), that will confirm hearing loss
2. Most common causes of hearing loss:
– Ear wax
– Perforated (hole) tympanic membrane (eardrum)
– Fluid collection in middle ear
– Genetic
– Exposure to loud noise
3. Different types of hearing loss?
– Conductive hearing loss, which can be corrected with medicine on surgery
– Sensory – neural hearing loss, which can be corrected with hearing aids.
4. Doesn’t hearing loss affect elderly people alone?
– Not necessarily, people of any age may get affected.
– Starting from new born, children, young people, middle aged persons and old age people
5. What to do if I think I have hearing problem?
– Please meet on ENT doctor
– He will evaluate your hearing in his clinic
– Later if required he will send you for investigations to confirm hearing loss

Article by Dr. Niraj Joshi, MBBS, MD, (PHY), DLO, FAGE, PHD
Consultant ENT, Head and Neck Surgeon, Kauvery Hospital