Welcome October!
October has come! This month has a great many International Days.
International Elder’s Day – October 1st
International Smile Day – October 5th
International Mental Health Day – October 10th
Well if you see closely there is a connection with the above mentioned days.
Of course no one can stop the ageing process and no one can escape ageing. The thought of growing old can make us feel low. But the fact that we can age gracefully is definitely in our hands.
READ FULL ARTICLEBeating Diabetes Requires A Team Effort

Having the right support team on your side makes a world of difference when you have to live with diabetes. Open and clear interaction between you and your medical team is a key factor in successful diabetes management. Here are 8 questions you should ask your team and why they are important:
READ FULL ARTICLEManaging Eczema In The Elderly

Aging is universal and unstoppable and as people age, their body’s change resulting in a variety of health-related problems. One area where the change is most common and also visible is the skin. Eczema is a skin condition that affects people of all ages but is more common among the elderly.
READ FULL ARTICLETinnitus - The Sound Of Silence

Tinnitus is a hearing impairment that affects millions of people around the world. It is a condition in which a person hears ringing in the years when no such sound is actually being made. swa In other words, it is a phantom sound.
Hearing a sound that does not come from any source external to the body is not a disease in itself. Rather it is a symptom of an underlying medical condition, such as age-related hearing loss, ear injury or a circulatory system disorder.
READ FULL ARTICLEThe Danger Of Self Medication

India is the second most populous country in the world and it is estimated that there is only 1 doctor for every 1700 people in the country. The shortage of doctors and the difficulty in obtaining medical help is one of the leading causes of self-medication in the country.
Self-diagnosis and self-medication, even if done with the best of intentions, can be a very dangerous practice.
READ FULL ARTICLEPatient Experience

Thank you forthe great service. When I HAVE been admitted with fever and mild increase of creatinine n ephrologist Dr Balaji immediately attend my problem and comfort me and assured me that I will be ok. Also Dr RBS sir attend my case and helped me from recovering from the issue. Thank you.