Our Dear K-Way Readers,

Our Dear Ardent K-Way Readers,
This month kind of rekindled my childhood memories of quarterly holidays!
Studying in a convent school, it was always an excitement awaiting the start of October with its immediate holidays, Gandhi Jayanthi followed by two auspicious pooja holidays which were the 8th and 9th day of Dussehra festival.
Adding more happiness to the excitement was the fact that our school books would be kept in the pooja room which literally meant no studies… wow! It was a fun time! Such nostalgic memories of the beautiful dolls and festive decoration! Of course, brings a smile to my face! [Read More…]
READ FULL ARTICLEErgonomics for the Elderly Population

Let’s start with a question: In which place do injuries in elderly people occur frequently?
READ FULL ARTICLECommon Health Conditions in Old Age

Life expectancy in every country in the world is increasing due to industrialization and the resultant simultaneous advancement in the medical field. The older population in France took 150 years to go double from 10%. In low middle income (LMIC) countries like Brazil and China, the progression is faster. India is also not an exception. Though perceived as a young nation, India is ageing. By 2019, 139 million people (10.1%) were aged more than 60 years. This is expected to double (19.5%) to 319 million by 2050, and every 5th (1 in 5) person will be aged more than 60 years.
READ FULL ARTICLELiving with Dementia

Dementia is a condition that not only affects a person but also has a profound effect on the family. It is a progressive condition with changes in the person and his personality seen over time and at every stage, the family also needs to make amends to cope.
READ FULL ARTICLEGeriatric Nutrition

Geriatrics is the study of the chronic diseases frequently associated with aging, including diagnosis and treatment. In aging adults, nutrition care is not limited to disease management or medical nutrition therapy but has broadened to have a stronger focus on healthy lifestyles and disease prevention.
READ FULL ARTICLEBreast Awareness Among Children and Adolescents

Concern about problems of the breast is often noted in children and adolescents. This article aims to discuss the issues of the breast in children and adolescents.
READ FULL ARTICLEEndearing to Enduring but Then - Off Breast to Of Breasts

This is what I found in the internet (from Keetru), looking for something about breasts. I am not sure if anybody and certainly not I would like to think or give the “meesai” the same importance or appeal (read as sex appeal) as the breasts. Anyway, if either of these are well presented, it does have a “kavarchi” effect to it. Breasts however, are most noticeable. There is one difference though. Bigger and bigger “meesai” may have variable effects on noticeability, light hearted fun and ridicule, it never ever surely becomes a serious feature of physical, cosmetic, psychological, social and spiritual misfortune endured like the more than well-endowed or sometimes rather large breasts.
READ FULL ARTICLEA Glance at the Past, the Present and the Future: Individualised Cancer Care

Though cancer is one of the oldest diseases since ancient Egypt, the challenges of addressing the fear, treatment and cure of this illness continue to exist. The growing knowledge and medical advances of cancer biology, particularly that of breast cancer, have changed the approach of a previously incurable condition to a treatable and at times a curable condition.
READ FULL ARTICLEEquip Yourself with Breast Cancer Facts

Breast cancer – a cancer that develops in the cells of the breasts is the commonest cancer in urban women and second most common cancer in rural women in India. The incidence of the disease is 25.8/1,00,000 women (age adjusted) in India when compared to 2.3 million incidences globally. The age of incidence is a decade earlier in India (before menopause) when compared to Western countries (after menopause). Although both men and women develop breast cancer, women are more likely to develop the disease.
READ FULL ARTICLETypes of Anesthesia

World Anesthesia Day – October 16, 2022
Have you been anesthetized? Do you remember your anesthesiologist? Well, many times we don’t remember the director of the movies, they are there but behind the screens. As you won’t be seeing your anesthetist as an outpatient for follow ups, it’s fair enough that people tend to forget their anesthetic part of the surgery. But times are changing for the better; we do get acknowledged for the safe journey of surgery and the pain free stay at the hospital. Abolishing pain is bliss, it’s an exceptional skill to make a patient comfortable and speed up their recovery. When did anesthesia begin?
READ FULL ARTICLEகுறளும் மருத்துவமும் - பகுதி 5

துஞ்சினார் செத்தாரின் வேறல்லர் எஞ்ஞான்றும்
நஞ்சுண்பார் கள்ளுண் பவர்
குறள் 926
WATCH FULL VIDEOPatient Experience

“Thank you Kauvery Hospital Dr.Manoj, Dr.Aravind, Dr.Kannan sir. 4th floor sister Ms Nadhini, Ms Gunavathi, floor GR Mr Praveen pals team. Mrs Malar madam ws very helpful. Thanks to housekeeping staff Ms. Rajalakshmi, Mr Pejith. Thank you Kavuvery hospital.”
– A.K