My Dear K-Way Readers,
Welcome to June!
The mid months of the year are surely the time for relaxation, it’s the most awaited time of the year.
Even as we ease into June, the summer heat still remains intense. Several parts of the country are experiencing temperatures well above 40 degrees. Please click here to read May K-Way to take all the necessary precautions to stay cool and safe.
Summer vacations are like the rewards after tiring annual routine work, home chores, exams etc.
However, the beginning of June is like a wake up alarm, to get back to our routine, get back to schools and universities.
The annual activity of covering and labelling books, getting uniforms ready, checking out admissions and surely as parents we have to deal with helping the kids cope up with the back-to-school anxiety.
And most families have to make sure their elders residing in hometowns are safe and sound after their visit to the native towns.
Yes, friends bidding goodbye to vacations actually feels hectic.
June indeed has become the busiest part of the year in every household, isn’t it?
June 1st also marks a very important day – the Global Day of Parents. Every child becomes a parent, and every parent becomes a child in the cycle of life.
What we learn at 5 years is what we preach till 50 years.
Do you think you can teach a child?
You cannot.
To quote Swami Vivekananda: “The child teaches himself. Your duty is to afford opportunities and to remove obstacles.”
This means our duty as parents is to guide them on the right path.
As a family physician, a right path according to me is along with emphasizing the importance of moral values and discipline, it is very important to inculcate good lifestyle habits and to make sure these good habits of regular exercise and awareness on balanced food starts right from childhood.
Parenting which was once felt as a duty has now become a skill.
Parents hold a huge responsibility in the society and need to take a lot of effort to make the child independent in this competitive world.
As a family physician, my focus as a parent is to make sure, children are mentally and physically healthy.
A few factors which pose health hazards can be prevented if parents take proper action in childhood.
For example – Childhood obesity is an upcoming healthcare concern.
Say “No” to adulterated food, carbonated drinks, and preserved eatables.
Gut health is most important, and every child should be taught to take the right foods at the right time.
Digital addiction is worse than alcohol or smoking. Time is so valuable that this addiction will leave them with regrets later. At the same time, we need to understand and accept the changes of digital evolution.
Next free access to drugs and medications may lead to antibiotics resistance resulting in a huge demand for stronger antibiotics when an acute illness comes up.
Stop buying over-the-counter medications.
Care for their complaints and seek medical help when needed.
Vaccinate them regularly.
Children need to know the importance of reading, writing, and communicating with one another.
Our Brain needs constant stimulation. Reading, writing and communicating are very important and the finger-eye-mind coordination is necessary to stimulate the brain.
Similarly, it is very important to create a parallel interest in arts. It not only promotes creativity but encouraging children in performing arts, sports, etc. also keeps their minds busy and not idle.
Exercise improves blood circulation, prevents heart problems early in life.
Coronary artery disease and cancers are increasing in the younger population is also major concern.
Sleep is the best medicine. To keep our body and mind sound 7 hours of sleep is essential.
The endocrine organs function well when are circadian rhythm is unaltered.
Last, but not the least, teach your children that if something is not possible this time, the next time they can definitely plan and achieve it. This is very important as it teaches the child to face disappointment or failure.
Our children are our mirror image. So, if we are in the right path, they will follow the same.
Don’t expect them to do something which we did not in their age and likewise don’t over expect anything from them.
On the occasion of Global Parents Day we are happy to share this lovely video, We extend our wishes to all our adorable parents out there and thank them for all their support, encouragement, and sacrifices they have done to make our lives beautiful.
Enjoy parenting.
Thank you!
I would love to know what you think about our monthly newsletter. Feel free to give your feedback email [email protected].

Dr. Kavitha Sundaravadanam
Senior Family Physician
Highlights @ Kauvery
Hello Praiseworthy Kauverians! Let’s unfurl the welcome mat to June!

How’s 2024 treating you so far? Can you even believe that we are entering June and we are almost in the mid-year? June is a month when students get to recharge their batteries by pursuing a passion outside the classroom while working professionals look to spend quality time with family and friends by planning a vacation. Well, we know that for all of us, at Kauvery – our first family and our unwavering commitment to patient care and safety is the backbone to our hospital’s success.
So what is that we are trying to commit ourselves to? Quality care and Patient safety. Nevertheless, how is that possible? Well, the answer is by working on quality improvement projects through Quality Circle, OPL, and Kaizen through which we aim to enhance patient care, and improve both clinical as well as service outcomes. During the 6th QOK competition conducted internally, we had 136 employees submitting 87 projects at the Kauvery Hospital group level, out of which 12 projects were from Kauvery, Alwarpet and we take pride in saying that out of 12, 7 projects were recognized, and were placed as winners and runners at the group level.
Let’s set aside work and competitions and talk about events that happened during May. We celebrated World Hand Hygiene Day by conducting a campaign “Save Lives: Clean Your Hands”. As part of the campaign, we set up a hand hygiene corner and a Hand hygiene patrol moved around the hospital to raise awareness amongst employees, patients and visitors regarding the importance of hand hygiene and to encourage disinfecting their hands. In addition, we celebrated International Nurses Day by surprising our nurses with chocolates and gifts to honour our nurses for their contribution to healthcare. As the distribution began, the smiles on the faces of our nurses lit up the room. We conducted various competitions, recognized, and rewarded their achievements.
Team, let’s take time to bask in the achievements during May, enjoy the present moment and look forward to a productive month by seizing the opportunities we are blessed with. Cheers to the exciting adventures ahead. Happy June to you too!
Winners and Runners of the 6th QOK Competition 2024
Congratulations on your outstanding achievement in the 6th QOK competition! Your commitment to enhancing quality care and patient safety is truly commendable. We are incredibly proud of your accomplishments.
Category – Quality Control Circle (QCC) – Clinical
Project Topic – PART-icipate (Prevention of Accidental Removal of Tubes and Drains) to Anticipate
1st Runners-up –
Ms.Stella Mary.T – Clinical Nursing – Nursing Educator;
Ms.Jose Lincy – Clinical Nursing – Nursing Educator;
Ms.Kanimozhi.J – Clinical Nursing – Senior Staff Nurse

Category – One Point Lesson (OPL) – Clinical
Mr.Ajith.T – Medical Services – Clinical Pharmacists

Ms.Granaph.J – Critical Care – Team Lead – Casualty

Category – Kaizen – Clinical
Project Topic – Ensuring the correct position of the Endotracheal Tube using Capnography after intubation
Winner –
Mr.Rouban Shaen Lee.A – Critical Care – Senior Staff Nurse;
Mr.Karthesan.R – Critical Care – Staff Nurse

Category – Kaizen – Supportive
Project Topic – Elimination of Service Lift Failure
2nd Runners-up –
Mr.Suresh Kumar.C.R – Facility Services – Senior Manager;
Mr.Seshadhri.J – Facility Services – Team Lead

Category – Kaizen – Other Functions
Ms.Vamci Priyanga.D – Human Resources – Deputy Manager;
Mr.Sasikumar.R.S – Information Technology – Senior Technician;
Mr.Deeransanjay – Information Technology – System Administrator

Ms.Deepalakshmi – Administrative Office – Senior Executive;

The Super Pharmacist Competition – Q4 – FY23-24
We conducted the Super Pharmacist Competition for the Fourth Quarter (Jan-Mar 2024) during April. The pharmacists underwent assessments such as KOAT, Typing test, Work Audit and Behaviour Audit. We are delighted to announce and celebrate the winners and runners of Q4. Congratulations to all the Super Pharmacists of Kauvery Hospital, Alwarpet.

Ms.Priya Dharshini.M


Mr.Praveen Raj.M
Senior Pharmacist
Star Performer of the Month

The Dialysis department always renders outstanding patient care by going that extra mile and paying attention to detail to ensure quality care and patient safety. In order to boost the morale, improve the team’s performance and create a positive work environment we introduced the “Star Performer” Award.

For the month of May Ms.Shabana Sulthana – a Dialysis Technician was awarded as the Star Performer for her exceptional commitment and dedication in taking up the responsibility of a Senior Technician and handling the night shifts independently. This act of hers is no small feat and her ability to do so seamlessly has not gone unnoticed. Kudos to Ms.Shabana.

We also recognized Mr.Poovarasan.G – Dialysis Technician as the Star Performer of May as he is one employee who puts patients first by making himself available during unconventional hours, and is truly going above and beyond the call of duty.
“Echoes of Resilience – Inspired by Hope”

Service Excellence
“Every day is an opportunity for growth, a chance to become a better version of ourselves.” How true these lines are? Dear readers, I would like to share an eye-opening incident that made me question myself, “Have I ever felt thankful for the opportunities? Am I grateful for my abilities? The answer was a big “No” until I saw this 19-year-old young man who was suffering from leukemia, he was known for his friendly nature. He had the gift of friendly conversation, effortlessly engaging with everyone who passed by him. In the midst of illness and uncertainty, the boy’s spirit of kindness and compassion reminded everyone who knew him of the power of a warm heart and a friendly smile.
His brother and mother stood by him offering unwavering support and care throughout his multiple visits and admissions to the hospital. His brother, in particular, was his pillar of strength, always there to provide whatever assistance was needed. From feeding him to helping him walk, his brother’s love and dedication knew no bounds. Together, they exemplified the true meaning of brotherhood, demonstrating the power of unconditional love and support in the face of adversity.
Throughout his tough treatment, the 19-year-old boy stayed strong despite having difficulty walking and many hospital visits for chemotherapy. With his family’s support and the help of his doctors, he faced everything bravely. Eventually, he finished his treatment, getting better each day.
As I engaged in conversation with him, I discovered that a 19-year-old boy has dreams and desires to be just like any other young person. He spoke of his longing to visit college, to make friends, and to experience the joy of youth. His passion for life was undeniable, yet it was tempered by the harsh reality of his illness. My heart ached when he asked me when he would be able to work and walk like others. In that moment, I felt the weight of his hopes and dreams and the depth of his longing for a life without limitations.
His longing for normal life deeply touched me and sparked a profound shift in my perspective. Until then, I had taken opportunities and abilities for granted, failing to fully appreciate the blessings that surrounded me. It was a wake-up call, a reminder to be grateful for every ability I possessed. In that moment I made a conscious decision to embrace gratitude in my daily life, to cherish the blessings that often go unnoticed. His story became a catalyst for change, inspiring me to view the world through a lens of gratitude and appreciation.
The Service Excellence team captured the special moments of the parents by creating a “WOW” moment to make the arrival of the newborn memorable. The newborn baby was welcomed with a beautifully decorated pink cradle to create a memorable experience.

Each year in May, the Prevention and Control of Infection Department organizes a Hand Hygiene Campaign built around the importance of hand hygiene in the healthcare setting. We Kauvery Hospital, Alwarpet conducted an intensive campaign to promote hand hygiene by raising awareness about the importance of hand hygiene to increase the proportion of the KCH population disinfecting their hands.
Hand Hygiene Corner
We set up Hand Hygiene stalls in the C Block punching area. The stalls had pluck cards to create awareness about the theme of 2024 –Save Lives: Clean Your Hands and with the steps of Hand Hygiene. Further, the PCI Link Nurses promoted the importance of Hand hygiene through health education by focusing on how to break the chain of infection.
Hand Hygiene Patrol
The Hand hygiene patrol conducted a rally and promoted hand hygiene practices to raise awareness amongst the patients and visitors by educating them about how hand hygiene plays an important role in controlling the spread of the infection. We introduced the concept of “BARE BELOW ELBOW” to all healthcare providers to enhance the effectiveness of Hand Hygiene.
The HIC Team also conducted fun activities related to the Hand Hygiene theme for the employees to imbibe the concept of hand hygiene.
At Kauvery, Alwarpet we celebrated Nurses Day to honour the invaluable contributions of our Nurses. We organized a lot of competitions based on this year’s theme “Our Nurses. Our Future. The Economic Power of Care”. We rewarded and recognized our frontline warriors who were outstanding performers under various criteria.
Our Nurses dressed in their crisp uniforms gathered around the photo booth area, clicked pictures and collected their instant photo prints. The photo booth had a vibrant backdrop, which said “Just as trees nurture life with their branches and roots, Nurses nurture health with their care and compassion” and our little bees made it colourful by placing their thumb impression.
We conducted an outbound training programme for the Business Development team of the Chennai Region. It was a full-day programme and we had 100+ participants from Kauvery Alwarpet, Vadapalani and Radial Road branches. Kauvery – Service Marketing and Reach Out training programme focused on Sales Hacks conducted by Col. Prof. Dr.Paul Prathap Jayaraj. The introductory session was by our Chief of Staff (Chennai Region) – Ms.Uma Maheswari
It was an experiential learning session with innovative strategies and actionable insights, which offered a valuable opportunity for the team to break out of their routine, learn new skills and bond with their colleagues.
Kauvery-HOPE (HR Induction version 2.0)
We conducted Kauvery-HOPE, a general induction programme for our newbies during the month of May.
Say hello to our new Kauverians!

We at KCH, Alwarpet strongly believe that it is important for our employees to upskill and we had our K-Lead Champions (Kauvery-Leadership Excellence Academy for Making a Difference) do a Knowledge Transfer session for our employees.
From the Department of Medical Records we had Mr.Sivakumar.L conducting a KT session about “Information Security Management System” and the key takeaways were about ISO/ IEC 27001, Information security risk assessment, risk analysis and evaluation followed by risk treatment process.
We conducted a training session on “Moments of Truth” for the Nursing team. The session was completely activity-based connecting with real-life experiences.
An awareness programme on Women’s Safety by Tamil Nadu Police Department. The programme introduced the Kavalan SOS Application to the employees thereby empowering them with the knowledge and skills to stay safe and confident in any situation.
Shine Together – This is a buddy program conducted for the housekeeping department to enhance their onboarding experience and improve their overall employee engagement and retention.
Vanakkam Kauvery, a monthly employee engagement event plays a vital role in fostering strong connections among our employees. It involves the activities of welcoming our newbies to the Kauvery family as they begin their journey with us, appreciate our top performers and recognize the best trainers of KHOPE, acknowledging their exceptional commitment to employee development. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to our Thangamanasu winner Ms. Sudarmathi – Patient Care Assistant.
In the end, we gathered to celebrate the birthdays of our employees. Together as a Kauvery family, we will continue to build a workplace where every employee is valued, respected and empowered to succeed.
Kauvery Hospital Alwarpet, launched the summer internship program for psychology students and aspiring psychologists. The program, titled “Praxis – Putting Theory into Practice,” is designed to offer a unique 14-day workshop that combines hands-on experience with theoretical knowledge.

“Canvas of Hope”: Kauvery Hospital’s Special Initiative for Bladder Cancer Awareness Month
- The initiative is to raise awareness on timely diagnosis of bladder cancer
- The hospital also emphasized on a latest technology that helps in detecting bladder cancer