Deepavali – A time for Feasting, Fireworks and being Fearless but being Fearful too

Memories of Deepavali kindle a special nostalgia and are a great time to savour and enjoy the myriad varieties and mouth-watering sweets, donning new clothing, visiting temples and friends and of course what is Deepavali without the fireworks.


While the elders are busy talking about the sweets and clothing, it is the fireworks, which excites the children and the young adults with small children, for whom this may be the first experience with fireworks with their children. Excitement, innovation, experimenting, daredevil to sometimes-foolish ways of using and bursting crackers is part of this wonderful and sometimes tragic occasion. As plastic surgeons that have seen some of the undesirable but definitely mostly avoidable bad consequences of the use of the crackers, it is with a deep sense of concern that we have to caution the possibilities of simple mishaps to sometimes-avoidable tragedies.

It is our desire to wish everybody to enjoy this unique experience of Deepavali festival in a safe manner especially with regard to fireworks and crackers.

The following guidelines list some of the sensible precautions, which could be followed and sensitized among the children or anybody using fireworks. It is by no means restrictive or a dampener on the festivities to be enjoyed, but caring tips to be kept at the back of the mind. In the event of such an unfortunate event, it is very important not to panic but also not to do the wrong things. It is with this in mind that these tips are penned down.

Firecrackers if not handled appropriately can harm self, neighbours, pets and our environment.

When used, follow these simple steps to stay safe,

  • Avoid using fireworks that produce huge noise
  • A flat open area with no overhead obstructions is best for setting off fireworks.
  • Always use fireworks outside the home and have a bucket of water, sand and hose nearby
  • Get a pair of safety glasses and ear plugs to prevent eye damage and hearing loss.
  • Use longer lighting devices and do not lean over the flowerpot crackers, rockets and other aerial crackers while lighting it.
  • Light one firework at a time, do not hold lit fireworks in your hand and stand back.
  • Animals are sensitive to noise by firecrackers, so keep your pets in door.

Also Read: First Aid is for Everyone, everywhere

Kids of all age groups should be explained about fire safety rules and parents should ensure that crackers that leave the ground should not be given to children.

  • Kids should never play with fireworks, when the children enjoy burning crackers, adults should not leave them alone.
  • When the kids use sparklers, make sure they keep them away from the face, clothing and hair.
  • Avoid using long skirts, jackets and scarves, instead try to wear snugly fitting long sleeves and pants to protect from potential burns.

Be cautious!

  • Dispose of spent fireworks by wetting them and placing them in metal trash.
  • Never try to relight a done firework, instead wet them and remove it.
  • Buy only legal fireworks i.e. they have the label with manufacturers name and directions, illegal ones are unlabelled.
  • Always read the cautionary labels and performance descriptions.


  • Until use, keep the fireworks stored in a cool and dry place and away from children.
  • Never carry fireworks in your pockets which can be ignited by a tiny spark of static electric charge.


What to do if there is a fire accident

  • Remember, injury prevention is the best cure for trauma.
  • If clothing catches fire remove it promptly, wash with water
  • In case of eye injury do not rub or flush with water or put any ointment that might cause more damage.
  • Cover the eye and get medical care right away.
  • In case of ear pain or problems in hearing, consult an ENT specialist.
  • Any individual who sustains a burn from fireworks should seek emergency medical care when the burn is larger than the size of palm of hand.
  • When the burn is on face, hand, feet or genitals or when the burn is white leathery or painless, seek emergency medical care immediately
  • If injured, visit the emergency immediately or make an appointment with the plastic surgeon, they can treat variety of injuries to face, hand, wrist, arm and shoulder

Life is fun! Enjoy life! We are there to look after you in the event of mishap. ALWAYS.

Emergency service can be reached at 4000 6000

How can we be safe during Diwali

Dr. Arul Mozhi Mangai-Oct-28-2018-11-36-17-arul

Article by Dr. Arul Mozhi Mangai, M.S(Gen Surgery), M Ch(Plastic Surgery)
Consultant Plastic Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Kauvery Hospital

Kauvery Hospital