The Journey of Dialysis Unit at Hosur


Dialysis Incharge, Kauvery Hospital, Hosur, India

The journey of our Dialysis unit in Hosur started in July 2015 with 2 machines and 1 staff, with the motto to deliver high quality dialysis with efficient therapies, latest technology, continuous quality improvement and ensure good quality of life in ESRD patients and also to improve customer satisfaction by reliability, promptness and comprehensive services.

Currently, we have 18 dialysis machine with 17 staffs and the highest we have done 1486 cases per month approximately.

Initially we were started doing only Hemodialysis, IJC and Femoral procedure but now we are performing all kinds of modalities in dialysis like SLED, Plasmapheresis, CRRT, hemoperfusion, Renal biopsy, Perm catheterization. AVF procedure, cytosorb dialysis and Renal transplantation. All most all the services we do in one roof with optimum utilization of resources by providing systemic, scientific, technological training like koach app (training platform for staffs) to provide best quality treatment.

Now we cover all kind of insurance which are recommended by the management, especially we are also taking the patient under CMSCH by which we cover most of the non – affordable patients.

We also give counselling for the newly initiated dialysis patients regarding diet, medications, care of IJC, AV fistula and the alternative for dialysis like peritoneal dialysis and transplantation, the main thing we also facilitate ESRD patients returning to their work and increase their productivity to the family and the society.

We also have very skilled doctors where they do rounds daily and take care and give counselling for their renal transplantation and many successful transplantations also done, we have very dedicated transplant team and showed the success rate. Many rat poison case has been saved by doing plasmapheresis and haemoperfusion procedures. We also have long term dialysis patients who are on dialysis for more than 10 years with good quality of life where we deliver adequate and good dialysis as per NABH recommendations for quality and quantity of dialysis.

We also give 10% discount for all the dialysis patient and we are in process to give 20% discount in pharmacy which made all the patients to feel happy

We also have dialysis patients in all of age groups,One of our patient known case of DM since 15 years, and she was on Maintenance hemodialysis since from 2021 and she has conceived, initially she was in a confusion to abort or to continue the pregnancy but our nephrologist and our gynecologists encouraged her to continue her pregnancy and even dialysis team took a challenge to take care of her, so every time we keep ultra-filtration less than her weight gain and helped her in giving slot according to her convenience, given diet plan and finally she was delivered safely, now almost the baby was 2 years old and their family members celebrated her first birthday in dialysis department with our director.

The other patient Mrs X she had a AVF which was a difficult cannulation, and she had many attempts in Bangalore, later patient came to Hosur dialysis, here also nephrologist tried 2 times and since he could not cannulate he informed the patient attender to go for temporary access, but our senior staffs took a challenge in cannulating and cannulated successfully and now it is almost a year passed, now everyone is cannulating the fistula very easily. And the patient also very happy. Like that we have many skilled staffs, where we cannulate the difficult veins.

We also follow strict isolation protocol where we have seroconversion till now.

Mr Y known case of DM and AKD, he admitted in ICU and advised for CRRT, so CRRT was done for more than 72 hours and patient got reverted and discharged successfully. Since our staffs attended ACLS training we could manage code blue and reverted patients, to the maximum we try our level best to make the code blue as never event.

March 2 week Thursday of every year we celebrate world kidney day, so this year we celebrated by giving small gifts to the long term patient who is on dialysis and also made some of the patients to share about their experience, and the awareness for the staff was given by conducting the Programme and also given some small gifts to them.

So on every world kidney day we do various kind of activities which is useful for the public, once we have distributed the water bottle to the colleges, schools, bus stand, hospital entrance, and poster presentation was given to the public through pictorial representation, awareness session was given in schools and colleges by the doctors, for all the dialysis patients we have given refreshment on that particular day.

To extend our unit to 25 machines by giving the care along with quality dialysis as the 50% of the dialysis patients are in technician hands not only by giving service but also as a family we also ensure that ESRD patients feel at home when on their dialysis. we ensure will continue to improve the same quality with the support of management.



Kauvery Hospital