S. Kanimozhi

Nurse Educator, Department of Nursing, Kauvery Hospital, Hosur


The Good Nurse

Once, a girl who just finished her 12th grade, was accidentally put up to a situation to pursue her career in Nursing. She started her studies with literally no interest and motive, she felt too unmotivated and started to feel so inferior within herself. As the course advanced, she slowly learned that “Anything that is done with effort, gives the best result and great success”. And she became the most confident version of herself. I hope many of you could have the same type of story.

You can definitely create passion towards something which you were not interested in earlier.

But is that enough to become a Good Nurse?

It’s definitely not easy to be a Good Nurse. Why it is difficult to become a Good Nurse?


I feel it is difficult, because these are the most difficult traits to demonstrate.

How one could demonstrate these traits? It’s a long trial.

It takes determination, time and effort to become COMPASSIONATE, SINCERE AND RESPONSIBLE.

In order to attain these virtues, you need to have a positive vibe, a curiosity in learning, and with a genuine commitment to the work assigned; and all these virtues will fall automatically into its place.

AND yes! I have been fortunate to receive many positive encouragements, wishes and blessings from my seniors, from patients for whom I was caring for and from their anxious relatives.

But I can’t simply say that I have never had a bitter experience in this field of nursing. There are times when, and occasions where I have been made to feel inferior in the course of my nursing learning and practice. I have felt low many times for I have not been fairly treated. I have felt bad many times, that the work done by me was not appreciated or recognized as it should be.

But I have realized of late, that this is the same scenario in any discipline. Hurdles and disappointments are there in every field. It is important to STAY CONSISTENT & FOCUSED to overcome the obstacles, the impediments to progress. And further, the difficulties were present only till I mastered the discipline. The harsh experiences slowly turned to happiness, joy and contentment when I saw the patients who came suffering get well and went home.

Tips that can help in having a positive spirit and protect the qualities that you possess:

  1. Try to understand situations from the other person’s point of view
  2. Try to learn from negative feed backs
  3. Learn to balance professional and personal life
  4. Always stand up for yourself and for your field
  5. Don’t take criticism personally
  6. Don’t be judgemental
  7. Last, but not least. Let your actions speak!

Points to ponder

  1. You love your work and you are probably giving your best to it.
  2. You deal with humans and you are a human too!
  3. Not everyone gets the opportunity to help people on a daily basis.
  4. Blessed are you that you are able to help patients on a daily basis.
  5. Satisfaction comes from helping others.
  6. Earning makes you exist. But satisfaction makes you live!

So, it is easy to become a Good Nurse. Right…? Because every nurse is good! And a good nurse is a fantastic human too!

Don’t look back, straight, left or right. Always Look up to God and respect for your actions will come on your way. Always feel proud of what you are!

Be hard as a diamond, and shine like one, for you are given the opportunity to TOUCH LIVES..!


Kauvery Hospital