Mesentric Neoplasm


Nursing Supervisor, Kauvery Hospital, Salem


Mesenteric tumor is rare and consist of a heterogeneous group of lesions. A mass may arise from any of the mesenteric components. They are Peritoneum, Lymphatic tissue, Fat, and Connective tissue. Cellular proliferation can also arise from infectious (or) inflammatory processes. The vast majority of mesenteric tumors originate in the bowel (or) omentum. Cystic mesenteric masses affect male and female equally with up to 60% involving the small bowel mesentery.



The patient was a 16-year-old male who came with complaints of stomach pain and discomfort. After history collection, physical examination and investigation, he was diagnosed with mesenteric neoplasm. The plan was to do Laparotomy with Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumour (GIST) excision.



  1. CVS: S1, S2 – normal
  2. P/A: Mild tenderness and mass felt in umbilical region
  3. CNS: WNL
  4. Temp: 99.6F
  5. BP: 130/80 mm of Hg
  6. SpO2 99%
  7. HR 88 beats / min
  8. RR – 26/min


Lab investigations were done for CBC, LFT, Blood sugar and Serology.

CT abdomen: Large complex cystic pelvic mass lesion extending into the abdomen, likely primary mesenteric neoplasm

Patient posted for Laparotomy for excision of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumour (GIST

Surgery notes

Laparotomy with excision of the mass was done under general anaesthesia. The mass was removed and sent to Lab for Histopathology (HPE). Abdomen drain kept in position. Hemostasis done and wound closed in layers.



  1. Inj.Xone 1gm -IV -bd
  2. Inj.Pan – 40 mg -IV-bd
  3. Inj.Tamin – 1 gm – IV bd
  4. Inj.. Metrogyl 100 ml – IV- tds
  5. Inj. Emeset – 4mg – IV- bd
  6. Inj.NS/RL 75ml/hr

Nursing management

  1. Counselling given to the parents regarding Post-op care
  2. Healthy dietary habit advised
  3. Vitals were monitored every Q4H
  4. Provided emotional support
  5. I/O chart maintained
  6. Wound kept clean and healthy

Diet advice

During the post-operative periods liquid diet started. After that, semi-solid diet was given to the patient. Patent was tolerated. After that, advised to take normal diet as well as the balanced diet.


On discharge, patient was hemodynamically stable.



Ms. Allama,

Nursing Supervisor