Tracheostomy: An overview

D.M. Tamilprathi

Department of Nursing, Kauvery Hospital, Salem

Correspondence: Email ID: [email protected]


Tracheostomy suctioning is a procedure that removes mucus and other secretions from a tracheostomy tube to keep the airway clear and prevent breathing difficulties


Conventional suction catheter

Foley’s catheter

A study found that the foley’s catheter resulted in less bleeding than the convention suction catheter

Foley’s Catheter

A foley’s catheter or rubber catheter can be used as an alternative to a conventional suction catheter for the patient who needs the procedure. Repealed suctioning using the soft, blunt tip of a rubber catheter can help prevent bleeding complications and promote faster healing than the conventional catheter

Conventional catheter

Conventional catheter tracheostomy suction is a procedure that uses a catheter to remove mucus and secretions from a tracheostomy tube to keep it clear and open


  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Vagal nerve stimulation, this can lower your heart role and oxygen level
  • Pain and discomfort
  • Nasal irritation
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Uncontrollable coughing
  • Skin breakdown
  • Tracheoesophageal fistula

When to use it

  • Suctioning is needed when mucus can’t be cleared by coughing
  • When there are signs of a blocked or partially blocked tube
  • Difficulty in breathing or rattling noise


  1. Asian journal of nursing education and research Volume – 8, Issue – 3, Year – 2018


Ms. D.M. Tamilprathi
Nursing department

Kauvery Hospital