Acute Pulmonary Thromboembolism with Systemic Lupus Erythematous

Shalini1, Baranika2

1Non Critical Ward Senior Staff Nurse, Kauvery Heartcity, Trichy, India

2Non Critical Ward Junior Staff Nurse, Kauvery Heartcity, Trichy, India


Case Presentation

Present History

Patient had complaints of dyspnea since two days; also giddiness. Initially went to a hospital, assessed as pulmonary thromboembolism and referred to Heart City

Past Medical History

The Patient was known to have systemic lupus erythematosus (2011), lupus nephritis and was  on treatment with :

Tab.Cellcept      1gm     BD

Tab.WYsolone 10mg   OD

Tab.Shellcal      500mg OD

Tab.Folvite        5mg     OD

Past Surgical History

Past surgical history of umbilical hernioplasty (2019)

Menstrual History

The patient had regular menstrual cycle 2 to 3 days with severe abdomen pain and body pain presented.

Acute  Pulmonary Embolism

An acute pulmonary embolism or embolus is a blockage of a pulmonary artery most often.  The condition result from a blood clot that forms in the lungs or another part of the body (Deep Vein Thrombosis) DVT and travels to the lungs.

Usual Causes

Book Picture

Patient Picture

  • Slow bloodflow from


  • Genetic and family history
  • Infection
  • Injury to a vein and bone fracture or surgery
  • Complication of SLE / systemic lupus erythematosus and side effects of medicine


Usual signs and Symptoms

May have

Our patient had

  • Rapid or irregular heart beat
  • Light headness or dizziness
  • Excessive sweating
  • Fever
  • Leg swelling and pain
  • Dizziness
  • Sweating
  • Leg swelling and body pain


Investigations done

  • ECG done
  • Chest X-ray
  • Echo cardiogram done (Moderate PAH, fair LV function)
  • USG abdomen
  • Lupus anticoagulant
  • Anti phospholipid Antibody (IgG & IgM)
  • CT pulmonary angiogram done (Thrombus)
  • Both lower limb verous doppler done
  • No deep vein thrombus
  • Ultrasonogram abdomen pelvis done




ECHO Report

RA & RV dilated; Moderate PAH

USG abdomen Report:


Lupus Anticoagulant report:


Anti Phospholipid antibody IgM Report:


Anti Phospholipid antibody IgG Report


Anti Nuclear Antibody Report


CA 125 Report


Venous Doppler Report Right & Left Leg

Right Leg:


Left Leg:



CT pulmonary Angio Report



The main treatment for a pulmonary thrombo embolism is an anticoagulant (blood thinner) depending on the severity of   the clot and its effect on other organs such as  the  heart . Patient may also undergo thrombolytic therapy surgery or interventional preoceduce to improve blood flow in  thepulmonary arteries.

The patient  rece ived

Inj.Alteplase lysed 100mg over two hours.

Inj.Clexane 60mg BD

Tab. Acitrom 1mg or if INR value in correction dose given to the patient.

Regular blood tests evaluation was done  and continued the anticoagulant medicine, the most important for Tab. Acitrom in (if INR value in atternative dose given to the patient). Monitored the patient for any bleeding present and preventede any injuries.  The managment of diet was very clearly explained to patient and relatives.

Maintained and monitored the vital signs.

Nursing Management

  1. Monitored vital signs, maintained provided the comfortable position, and provided the safety measures.
  2. To administered the medication correct time and correct dose given to the patient
  3. To maintained the intake and output chart and weight monitoring daily.
  4. To monitored the patient any allergic reaction in medicine side effects.
  5. Diet pattern explained to patient and patient relative (No vitamin K diet).
  6. Semi fowler position with pillow supported to prevent the breathing difficulty.
  7. Health remote the patient and regular monitored the blood tests.
  8. Explained to patient to avoid the heavy work and stain.
  9. To provide the psychological support
  10. To educate the regular follow-up care and continue the take rest.
  11. To maintain personal hygiene, avoid to air pollution.
  12. Advised to take regular follow up care.


We received the good outcome because of our effective treatment and also received the great blessings from the patient with his smiling face as the patient happily returns back to his home.


Ms. Shalini

Senior Staff Nurse


Ms. Baranika

Junior Staff Nurse