Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India



KAUVERIAN is back! With exciting reading!!

Honouring the World Purple Day to promote epilepsy awareness, Dr. Prithika Chary writes to us on “Difficult to treat epilepsy syndromes” for the benefit of non-neurologists.

Dr. Suresh Chelliah and colleagues gift the journal with an original article, taking over the baton from Dr. Balaji who published Kauvery Research in the last issue.

It is our dream that this new found initiative and enthusiasm will blaze forth.

Closely on his heels, we have Dr. Ivan Jones, presenting a case series on fungal infections in Covid, a very topical and disturbing complication in Covid.

We shall look forward to receiving more such case series.

Dr. Bhuvaneswari takes us on a fascinating journey to gene land by posting a complex neurological syndrome.

Clinical audits are the instruments through which we benchmark our practice of clinical medicine against standard guidelines on “best practice”.

Suryaprabha, our Chief Clinical Pharmacist, who is about to take on a role supporting clinical research in our hospitals, writes on “How to Conduct A Clinical Audit”.

The more audits we do, and more the people who do audits, we would be elevating our clinical standards and ensuring patient safety and satisfaction by assuring good clinical outcomes

Dr. Nagaraj, our section editor, poses a diagnostic challenge with an image of one of the most important complications that can challenge your clinical skills.

An anonymous patient walks us through the Covid journey he took at a great age, and survived to tell us his tale.

We close with two poets, a bonus this time, Dr. Prithika Chary and Kaanthal Manikandan.

John Keats, who died very young, in 1821, had said that he could not live without poetry and that poetry was the essence of life. Lancet honoured his life and times in its last week’s edition.

We wish you happy, stimulating and satisfying reading.

Best regards!

Kauvery Hospital