Dr. Venkita S. Suresh

Group Medical Director, Kauvery Hospitals, India


Dear kind patrons of the KAUVERIAN

Today we launch Vol 2, issue 1.

We thank our authors who made 12 issues possible in the first half of 2021. That was unimaginable when we tender footed with the first issue. Thanks a million! It has been a pleasure and privilege to carry your work.

We thank our readers. We also earnestly request your feedback. Kindly tell us “What Is Right, What Is Wrong?” with the journal. Kindly comment on articles that you liked or did not. With your permission, they shall be published as “Letters to the editor”.

The prime feature of this issue is the special set of articles on “Haematology and Oncology at Kauvery Trichy Hospitals” with a guest editorial from the section authors, Drs. Subbiah and Vinod.

These departments are a boon and an oasis for residents of Trichy and its hinterland. The only other alternative is a pilgrimage to Vellore. You would see that the outcomes are salutary.

The distinguished second guest editorial comes from a consummate COVID physician, Dr. Dominic. He makes a very vital point. Plasma from patients convalescing from the Delta variant can be beneficial.

The parallel lesson to remember is that both the current first-generation vaccines and monoclonal antibody cocktails are engineered based on the genomic configuration of the original wild SARS CoV2 isolated at Wuhan. The world and the virus have moved on since then.

The west is already engaged with booster vaccine candidates and next generation polyvalent vaccines against poly-variants while the poorer parts of the world are barely seeing vaccines despite the struggles of WHO’s COVAX program.

Dr. Prithika Chary continues her brilliant personal page with the Neurobiology of sleep.

Our regular features find a place in the rest of the issue

We shall look forward to your feedback with both optimism and trepidation

“We” are a small team – it is just me, Dr. Prabhaharan and Ms. Mercy Diana! I thank my two-some!

Best regards

Kauvery Hospital